Overseas Employment License in Pakistan
Overseas employment is playing a vital role in increasing foreign exchange in Pakistan as well as curtailing un-employment pressure. A lot of skilled, semi-skilled and lower skilled citizens of Pakistan are doing great jobs in all parts of the word and sending huge amount of foreign income in Pakistan and promote the name of Pakistan. People must select the consultant who having valid Overseas Employment licence in Pakistan and the licence can be verified from Bureau of Emigration & Overseas Employment.
Bureau of Emigration & Overseas Employment.is a a regulatory body / authority who controls, regulates, facilitates and monitors the emigration process followed by the Overseas Employment Promoters (OEPs) as well as issues Overseas Employment Licence in Pakistan.
A number of overseas employment promoters are available in Pakistan who have valid licences, these people follow the rules and regulation specified by the Bureau and will not engaged in fraudulent activities, you must select any of the overseas promoter with the consultation of bureau as well as individual efforts required for selection of good consultant.
Number of cases are still pending in Federal Investigation Agency (FIA) against the “human Smugglers, know as Insaani Smuggler”, so be careful from them to avoid any future hurdles and damages.
If you have been hired from any foreign company through overseas employment promoter, you must call the company and cross check all the things which are mentioned on your proposed employment letter or agreement.
Always use the save way of journey i.e. through airline not using Sea or land root which cause huge damages in your life, before starting traveling, you must protect your visa and get insurance as directed by the Bureau.
If you need any further guidance you may contact to Bureau of Emigration & Overseas Employment Islamabad.Forms and application process can be download from this website http://www.beoe.gov.pk/.
If you need a professional consultancy regarding your case preparation and information about the documentation which are useful for obtaining overseas employment licence in Pakistan through a legal process, please contact us.