SECP Mandatory Appointments


After Registration or Incorporation of every new Private Limited company (Pvt Ltd company) , Single Member Private Limited company (SMC), Public Limited company (Listed in Stock Exchange) , Public Limited company (non-listed in Stock Exchange), Non-Profit Organization (NPO / NGO) registered under Section 42 of Company Ordinance, Foreign Companies, and any others entity registered in SECP.

It is compulsory to file SECP mandatory appointments, which are as below, within 15 days of incorporation of company, otherwise companies have to face little-bit fine /penalty as described in Companies Ordinance 1984

  1. Appointment of Chief Executive (CEO)
  2. Appointment of Company Secretary
  3. Appointment of Chief Accountant
  4. Appointment of Auditor (Chartered Accountant Firm)
  5. Appointment of Legal Adviser (Having Bar Council Licence)
  6. Appointment of Managing Agent

If you have registered your company in SECP and still you didn’t appoint any of the above, you may contact us.

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